Vacanze al Lago di
Molveno, Dolomiti di Brenta

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Dolomites - The
access valleys and paths.
Gelada di Campiglio
valley, path 334
Wonderful climb on foot as an alternative to the ski-lifts to the Graffer
Refuge, Grostč Pass and the Costanzi Path. The valley offers magnificent views
of the Presanella Group and the towering peaks of the northern chain of the
Brenta. It runs from west to east between the Cima Vaglianella and Cima Vagliana
peaks to the south, the Corno di Denno and Corno di Flavona peaks to the east
and the Sasso Alto and Cima Mondifrŕ peaks to the north. |
Cartina su gentile concessione Editrice La Giralpina |
Val Gelada da sentiero per
Lago Malghette |
starting point |
Malga Mondifrŕ, mt 1632 |
with public transport |
motor vehicle |
sino a Malga Mondifrŕ |
refuges or bivouacs |
Rifugio Graffer alont
the path 336 Costanzi southwards, Bivacco
Bonvecchio a Cima Sassara, sent 336 northwards |
a) climb up the Gelada di Campiglio Valley and return through the “Orti
della Regina”; b) across to Lake Tóvel along the Giare Valley; c) to
Lake Tóvel along the Gelada di Tuenno Valley; ) to the Bonvecchio Bivouac
(on the Cima Sassara peak); e) circuit from the east of the Cima Vagliana
and Pietra Grande mountains. |
in height |
m.2613, Bocca dei Tre Sassi |
height |
m.981 ( 1054 per l'itinerario "c") |

La Val Gelada di Campiglio
of times between points and heights:
Malga Mondifrŕ - Bocca dei Tre Sassi |
point |
a.s.l. |
from start in hours |
route variations |
Malga Mondifrŕ |
1632 |
- |
- |
detour 334- 336 |
- |
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see down "a)" |
Bocca dei Tre Sassi |
2613 |
2,45 |
a) climb up the Gelada di Campiglio Valley and return through the “Orti
della Regina”: paths 334 and 336, southwards; b) across to Lake Tóvel
along the Giare Valley: paths 334 and 314; c) to Lake Tóvel along the
Gelada di Tuenno Valley: paths 334, 336 northwards, 380, 312 and 314;) to
the Bonvecchio Bivouac (on the Cima Sassara peak): paths 334 and 336
northwards; e) circuit from the east of the Cima Vagliana and Pietra
Grande mountains: paths 334, 306 southwards, 301. |
Visualizza Parco Adamello Brenta, Settore Brenta in una mappa di dimensioni maggiori